Emilia Romagna

The uniqueness of a regional context

The Region Emilia-Romagna stands out for its significant experience in the international food context at three distinct levels: academic education, research centres, industrial network and food and wine culture in general.
An international model for food

The region is a reference point in the global food scenario

This relevance is first and foremost due to a unique combination of tradition and innovation that made the region a reference point in the global food scenario.

The regional education institutions offer a broad spectrum of degree courses, research grants, doctoral degrees and post-degree specialisation courses that focus specifically on agriculture, food science and food technology. These programmes endow our students with cutting-edge training, combining theoretical insights with practical experiences and internships in local food companies.

Such a marriage of theory and practice is essential to prepare students and researchers aiming to address the complex challenges of the food sector in effective and innovative ways.

Therefore, Emilia-Romagna stands out as a leading region in the field of agrifood production both in Italy and internationally, with a food supply chain consisting of as many as 85,000 local units and an impressive number of 280,000 employees. Indeed, this is the best testament to the strength and vitality of the sector in the area.

The value of a public/private ecosystem focused on the sustainable development of the agribusiness sector

One of the main strengths is the presence of leading companies at the national and international levels operating in food production and processing, capable of combining tradition and innovation while maintaining the highest food quality and safety standards.

Emilia-Romagna hosts an ecosystem of excellence in training, research and innovation. Universities and research centres dedicated to the food sector are at the forefront of developing new technologies and best practices that contribute to the evolution and competitiveness of the food supply chain. 

Furthermore, the active involvement in initiatives such as CLUST-ER AGRIFOOD testifies to the regional commitment to promoting collaborations between firms, institutions and research centres.

Moreover, the presence of entities such as the HIGH TECHNOLOGY NETWORK, the TECHNOPOLES and the IN-ER NETWORK of incubators and accelerators shows how the region is attentive to developing new technologies and products, all the while fostering innovative spin-offs and start-ups.

Lastly, the presence of the EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY (EFSA) gives further international recognition to Emilia Romagna as a centre of excellence in food safety.

Such a fruitful regional context allows us to offer rich and stimulating training in an increasingly open, innovative and attractive territorial context.

Fooder and the Emilia Romagna Region

Fooder: a project of excellence that comes from a unique background

The Fooder project is born in a unique area context, thanks to the initial funding from the Emilia-Romagna Region. With Fooder, the first inter-university project in the agri-food sector in Emilia-Romagna is launched, bringing together universities, research centers, and businesses to attract talent from every country.

Administrative Structure

Università degli studi di Parma
Via Università, 12 - 43121, Parma, Italy
VAT: 00308780345

Email us: info@fooderuniversity.it

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@2023 Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco.