Fooder Purpose

Fostering Sustainable Agri-food Public/Private Collaboration

We strive to promote research and innovation by training scholars and professionals capable of facing the newest challenges of the agri-food sector.
Fooder promotes professional and personal growth and encourages interactions between students and teachers, researchers and professionals. 

Moreover, we foster the development of collaboration networks involving universities and businesses, all at the service of sustainable innovation in the agri-food sector.


Empowering professionals, enhancing sustainability

Our vision is to create global experts in nutrition and agriculture

We seek to create a dynamic and collaborative ecosystem in which education, research, business and public policies work together to promote healthy, sustainable and accessible agri-food systems for all, thus improving the quality of life, the health of people, and the protection of ecosystems.

To achieve this goal, we are committed to implementing interactive and innovative teaching models based on the latest technologies and teaching methodologies.


We want to actively involve students, offering them practical learning opportunities, internships at companies operating in the agri-food sector and collaborations with researchers. This way, we will prepare a new generation of highly qualified experts ready to make a statement in the agri-food sector.


Facing the challenges of sustainable innovation

Public/Private collaboration as the key to innovation

The collaboration between universities, businesses and public bodies of the Region Emilia-Romagna is a crucial element of our vision.

The goal is to create solid and long-lasting networks that will allow the project's partner companies and industry leaders to pool their resources, share their best practices and co-design innovative training courses.


Together, we will work to positively influence public and industrial policies, promoting the production of quality food, the dissemination of accurate nutritional information and the adoption of more sustainable procedures.


Furthermore, we will create a vertical incubator dedicated to start-ups in the field of nutrition and agri-food, which will offer financial support, mentorship and access to a vast network of industrial partners.


Fooder aims to become a point of reference in the agri-food sector by making the best possible use of synergies between education, research, business and public policies, thus exerting a positive impact on people's health, environmental sustainability and the development of the food production industry.

Administrative Structure

Università degli studi di Parma
Via Università, 12 - 43121, Parma, Italy
VAT: 00308780345

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@2023 Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco.