Private association

Agrifood Clust-ER

Agrifood Clust-ER is a private association of research centres, businesses, and educational institutions that share skills, ideas, tools, and resources to support the competitiveness of the sector.

Via Piero Gobetti






Agrifood Clust-ER is one of the nine thematic clusters established by the Emilia-Romagna Region to encourage collaborations in strategic research and development sectors and thus support the region's potential for innovation.

Clust-ER focuses its action on four strategic lines of research and innovation through working groups (Value Chains) representative of the Emilia-Romagna agri-food system.

Sustainable and precision agriculture to strengthen the economic and environmental sustainability of regional productions.

  • Resilient and Climate-Smart Agriculture (RCSA)

  • "Precision" management of plant and animal productions

  • IoT and Big Data to generate essential knowledge elements for the management of increasingly sustainable production processes

Integrity and nutritional quality to promote safety, quality, authenticity, and traceability of food, assessing its role for human health.

  • Foods with greater safety, durability, functional impact, and quality

  • Advanced control techniques for food safety and traceability

Processes, plants, machines, and packaging to improve the quality of foods and increase sustainability and competitiveness.

  • Innovation of technological processes, plants, and industrial materials to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of food products

  • Application of advanced systems for the digitalization of food processes

Valorisation of by-products and waste from the agri-food sector to increase both the economic and environmental sustainability of agri-food production processes.

  • Direct and indirect valorisation of waste, by-products, and co-products from agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture towards the food and feed sectors

  • Valorisation of by-products and co-products from agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture through the development of biorefineries or innovative extraction processes for the production of chemicals and materials of interest for non-food and non-feed industrial sectors

  • Valorisation of by-products and waste from agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture into energy products and biomethane

In addition to the Value Chains, which perform a transversal activity with respect to agri-food supply chains, Agrifood Clust-ER also promotes sectoral Focus Groups to identify the main issues and innovative solutions for each production chain (fruit and vegetables, milk, pork and poultry, wine, aquaculture, cereals, olive oil, organic productions).

The activity also includes collaboration initiatives with other Italian regions and participation in four EU S3 Thematic Sub-Platforms: High-Tech Farming, Traceability & Big Data, Ingredients for Circular Economy, Food Packaging. 

Thanks to these initiatives, Agrifood Clust-ER is a partner in several EU projects with significant benefits for its members.

Research centers, companies and training institutions together to share ideas, skills, tools and resources, the Clust-ER network

Administrative Structure

Università degli studi di Parma
Via Università, 12 - 43121, Parma, Italy
VAT: 00308780345

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@2023 Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco.